Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year from atsec

This year the motto for our Holiday greeting is “Bridges”, as it symbolizes much of what we do in our daily work. We bridge the difficult terrain of international and national standards between vendors and government agencies, so both parties can reach their respective goals. We bridge the gaps in knowledge by constantly training our own staff and transferring knowledge to our customers, so that they will have an easier time navigating the rules and requirements around testing and certification. We act as a bridge between different technical communities, e.g. by having started the International Cryptographic Module Conference (ICMC) and by hosting the Cryptographic Module User Forum (CMUF). We act as a bridge between the stakeholders and standard bodies like the CCUF & CMUF, ISO, O-TTPS , CMVP, CAVP, SCAP, BSI, CSA, CSEC, NIAP, OCSI, PCI and the GSMA. Bridges help navigating obstacles, they connect people, and allow progress into new areas. Here at atsec we strive to do the same.