Choose to Challenge

Quotes from our colleagues in Austin:


It’s already March 2021 and today we are celebrating International Women’s Day! Growing up in a Russian family, International Women’s Day was one my favorite holidays. My dad would always bring flowers and small gifts for my mom and me. It was a peaceful celebration.

This year’s IWD is occurring during the Covid-19 pandemic, which has had a major impact on everyone around the world. The United Nations reports that globally, 70% of the healthcare workforce are female. I am grateful for the hard work these healthcare workers have been putting in during this difficult time.

International Women’s Day has been celebrated for over a century since it began in 1911. In 1996, the UN started announcing annual themes for this holiday. This year’s theme is “Choose to Challenge.” A call to challenge and call out gender bias, stereotypes, and inequality. While it is important to call out other people’s bias and stereotypes, I think it is also equally important to catch our own bias and perceived limitations.

As the newest female employee of the atsec US team, I am very grateful to be a part of such a wonderful company. I feel like an equal here and I am very impressed with the kind, helpful, and very knowledgeable female leaders and mentors at this company.

The (ICS)2 Cybersecurity Workforce Report showed that in 2017, only 11% of cybersecurity professionals were women. In 2019, a restructuring of the survey to better represent all cybersecurity professions revealed that women make up 24% of the global cybersecurity workforce.

I did not start my career in a technical field, but I am glad I challenged my own limitations and decided to pursue a technical career. I encourage other women and girls to not be afraid, challenge the limitations they and others have placed on them, and pursue careers in exciting technical fields such as cybersecurity.

Happy International Women’s Day!


Happy International women’s day to you all!

It is so comfortable to work in a company where women have room to evolve and shine!

I cherish the atsec tradition of the yellow flowers that remember me the Mimosa blooming that time of year in the Mediterranean coast.

Have a good week!