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Call for Papers: The First International Cryptographic Module Conference (ICMC 2013)

This first ICMC aims to bring together experts from around the world to confer on the topic of cryptographic modules, with emphasis on their secure design, implementation, assurance, and use, referencing both new and established standards such as FIPS 140-2 and ISO/IEC 19790.

We are focused on attracting participants from the engineering and research community, test laboratories, government organizations, the procurers, deployers and administrators of cryptographic modules and academia. Our program consists of one day of workshops and tutorials, followed by two days of 30 minute presentations (plus 15 minute for questions). We solicit proposals for high quality papers and relevant workshops that will be of interest to the community involved with cryptographic modules on topics such as:

  • Management of cryptographic modules in the field
  • Standards: including FIPS 140-2, ISO/IEC 19790, FIPS 140-3
  • Physical security and Hardware design
  • Key management
  • Random number generation
  • Side channel analysis, non-invasive attacks
  • Choice of and Implementing cryptographic algorithms
  • Cryptographic modules implemented in Open Source
  • Hybrid systems, Embedded systems
  • Tools and methodologies

The committee favors vendor-neutral presentations that focus on the practical design, testing and use of cryptographic modules. Product vendors are encouraged to recruit clients and partners who are front-line implementers as presenters.

Visit www.icmc-2013.org for more information.


Abstracts: April 1st, 2013
Review and comments: April 23rd, 2013
Acceptance notifications:   July 16th, 2013
Final versions due: September 3rd, 2013
Workshops/Tutorials: September 24th, 2013
Presentation of papers: September 25th and 26th, 2013

All prospective authors must submit their abstracts and workshop proposals using this link:

For any questions regarding submissions or the conference in general, please contact us at info@icmc-2013.org.


We would like to thank the following sponsors for their support:

Platinum Sponsors

atsec information security