After two years of video conferences, we were finally able to meet stakeholders of our community again in person as three representatives of atsec Germany attended the Omnisecure conference from June 21st through 23rd 2022 in Berlin.
The Omnisecure conference has a clear focus on the German market with a strong presence of the Bundesamt fuer Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI). There have been several interesting presentations from different domains. Among the major topics was the (national) approval of IT security products for handling classified information – one of the main business domains for atsec Germany.
Michael Vogel, Managing Director of atsec Germany, has provided a presentation on the vendor qualification requirements that need to be fulfilled to participate in the qualified product approval scheme defined by BSI. The presentation was perceived very well by the audience and triggered some interesting follow-up discussions.
The face-to-face conference allowed us to touch base with several of our customers in person for the first time in months, and this opportunity has been much appreciated by ourselves and many participants. We are looking forward to the upcoming in-person conferences planned for the rest of this year, in particular the ICMC conference and the ICCC conference to meet more of our customers in person again. Don’t forget to register so we can meet you there!