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atsec AB performing first EAL4 evaluation to Swedish Common Criteria Scheme (CSEC)

Evaluation of Färist VPN and Firewall marks pioneering effort for Tutus AB, atsec AB, and CSEC

Stockholm, Danderyd, Sweden – atsec information security AB is performing an EAL4+ evaluation of Tutus Data AB Färist VPN and Firewall for certification by the Swedish Certification Body for IT Security (CSEC).

Of course an EAL4+ evaluation is nothing new for atsec. What this means is that we are very proud to be a part of the Swedish Common Criteria scheme. This is a new scheme and although Sweden haven’t yet signed the CCRA as a ceritifcate producing nation I think that this shows that Common Criteria is alive and well.

Staffan Persson is our lead in Sweden and this news announcement represents the fruition of a lot of hard work.